Saturday, December 3, 2011
Something new - WibbleyWare!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Baby Pengy

I've lost count (well not really, actually I never bothered to even start counting) but this is another installment in my "Baby Wibbles" series, in which I feature baby portraits of the Wibbles in all their diapered glory.
So here's Baby Pengy - as you might suspect it's a little cold in the Antarctic wilderness so for his portrait he's sporting a matching scarf and hat, and of course his little diaper as well! (no lunch-pail though, just a lollipop)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Still Life with Wibble
"Still Life with Wibble"
5x7, oil on panel
Anyway, this is a little still life I made for this month’s Nibblefest contest, our theme this month is “Still Life.” Francis is a little nerbbis, perched so high atop of that jar of glazing medium (scary, scary, scary - you can tell he just wanted me to get done with the painting and put him down already!) The Wibble featured here (Francis) is actually a real-life needle felted bear-like creature (ok I admit I don’t know what it really is) who I made a few months ago. I’m telling you this so you all don’t think I cheated and painted a made up character, stuck him on a jar and called it a still life. Here’s a photo so you can see that he's real (he's not included though, this auction is just for the painting):
(not included in auction, just showing you all that he exists)
And yes, that is Spock in the background. He was being kind of a jerk so I cropped out his head from the photo.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Still Life with Lunchbox

It’s that time of year again and Lunchbox had a fantastic idea for his Halloween costume – dressing up as a piece of Polish Pottery! Sounds like a brilliant idea, right? Unfortunately he did such a great job with his costume that Heather Sims, notorious hoarder of all things Polish Pottery, SNAPPED HIM RIGHT UP and added him to her collection! Now Lunchbox is in yet another fine pickle, I have no idea how he’ll get out of this one. But you know what? He still has his lunch-pail (maybe Polish Pottery, but still a lunch-pail nonetheless) and his diaper, so all will be ok. And as you must know by now, when you have your lunch-pail and your diaper, what more do you really need?
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Ode to Bloo

Anyway, I feel compelled to offer some explanation, which is that this is just a little painting of Bloo going off to her first day of Kidneygarden. She was feeling a little nerbbis until I told her she could take her security octopus and (of course) her Lunchbox lunchbox. She’s a little shy so I hope that either Lunchbox or Soft and Fuzzy Johnson is in her class.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Squid Descending a Staircase
Sparky decided he’d like to enter this month’s nibblefest contest - he’s still too young to have his own ebay account so I’m listing it on his behalf:
"Squid Descending a Staircase"
In this painting, the artist is expressing his feelings about the human condition, squids, and eyeballs on stairs, and how they collectively impact his personal worldview.* He calls it “Squid Descending a Staircase”.
In my not-so-professional opinion, I believe this is an important, groundbreaking piece of art - a true masterpiece. There’s a lot of meaning here, folks.
*Sometimes I have trouble with “artspeak” so I hope I captured it accurately. I did take notes.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Dreams and Nightmares

Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Circus comes to Wibbley World
I'm offering something new this time, a miniature painting on wood, which (on request) can be converted into a pendant. I've painted quite a lot of these already but this is the first I'm offering them for sale - I hope they do well because I really love making them!
My other Nibblefest entry is, predictably, Lunchbox:
Whatever you do Lunchbox, DON'T LOOK DOWN!!!
This painting makes me nervous just looking at it, I have a terrible fear of heights (unlike certain chipmunks!)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Baby Blackers, friend of Baby Quackers
2.5 x 3.5
oil on panel
This is the first painting I did in 2011, and it's the long-awaited prequel to my painting, Blackers, friend of Quackers. Remember?
Which reminds me, I really need to resurrect Mr. Quackers, he hasn't been around in ages!
Anyway Baby Blackers, Friend of Baby Quackers isn't for sale yet, mainly because I still haven't quite made up my mind between selling on ebay or ETSY. If it wasn't for Nibblefest I'd probably never get anything listed!
I think Baby Blackers, friend of Baby Quackers is a good start for "The Year of Cute*" if I do say so myself.
*more than likely featuring lots of baby animals