Five Random Things

Beach Buddies - the Next Generation
Oil on Canvas
This month’s Nibblefest Contest is “Five Random Things.” This theme was a little tricky for me because in Wibbley World, everything is random and therefore nothing is random. Anyway, I put out a call to the Wibbles for a “mega-chimera” and look who showed up: Sea Monstery! I know, you’re saying “but there are SEVEN creatures* in that Mega-Chimera, not five!” but either Sea Monstery is an overachiever or he’s just not good at math. Then I thought to myself, “but this isn’t truly random, and those Nibblefest administrators can be real hard-asses about stuff like this. If I know what’s good for me I’d better throw some other random elements in this painting, pronto!” So I added thePorthole (with concerned citizen), pink bunny in a cup with wheels, a spoon, a delicious orange lollipop, and of course a snowman. Overkill perhaps, but better safe than sorry I say!
*elephant, giraffe, seahorse, sea lion, winged insect, poodle, and trees.