I know this is an older painting but since I recently posted this year's Halloween paintings I thought I'd dig this one out since it's one of my favorites.
Anyway, today was pretty busy - first we had our Grandpuppy (or Granddogger as Chris says) Lola for the weekend - Violet and Linda were thrilled, but the cats and Jabby could all think of other things they'd rather have happen.
Today was also our 23rd anniversary and we celebrated as usual by going to the Chiller Theater convention. Violet wore her Cleopatra costume, she looked great & a lot of people wanted to take her picture! Here's a pic of her with her Gus Fink Puff Dog, Violet's a huge Gus Fink fan (like her mom!) and luckily he was there or she'd have been very disappointed.

I was very happy and excited that I got to meet LeVar Burton there! I told him that we watch him almost every night in TNG reruns :) Even Violet knew who he was, although she didn't recognize him at first without his visor (she watches with us sometimes).
Other than that it was the usual Halloweenery, trick or treating and such - we took Linda with us for a bit but she barked furiously at the decorations in which she could recognize a face, pretty cute! Violet did quite well for herself, a 5 lb haul (!)