Saturday, October 31, 2009
Since tonight was spent taking Violet trick-or-treating, we'll be celebrating tomorrow by going to the Chiller Theatre Convention (the pic above was taken at the last one in April). I don't bother getting autographs (other than Adam West last year at Dragon*Con) but it's fun seeing the celebrities - this year Patrick Stewart will be there (although I'll pass on the $100 photo op)!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ben Cooper Lunchbox
Ben Cooper Lunchbox
Poor Lunchbox is out for his first Trick or Treat, but he doesn’t have a clue as to what he’s supposed to do! He’s heard from the Forest Folk that he can get candy, but doesn’t realize that he has to knock on doors and say “TRICK OR TREAT” to get it! Fortunately that pumpkin over there looks like a decent sort, I bet he’ll give Lunchbox the scoop. Oh and how about that ghost? oooooh, scary stuff!
BTW, don’t you just love Lunchbox’s Ben Cooper “Lunchbox” costume? When he saw it in the store, Lunchbox thought the character looked familiar but couldn’t quite place him, he thinks it’s a fantastic costume, and it is! No one will know it’s you, Lunchbox I promise! I’m not worried for Lunchbox though, because when you’ve got your lunch-pail and your diaper, at the end of the day what more do any of us really need?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Birds and Bees
I apologize for being so negligent about posting here!
Here's my latest Nibblefest entry -
"I'm Sorry (jr.)"
Why do bad things happen to good ostriches??
OK, I know Beeie didn’t mean to sting Ostrie and is truly sorry for it, but that sting sure looks like it smarts - Ouch! On the other hand, Ostrie is known for being a bit of a drama queen - some of you may remember his desperate attempts to stop the insanity during that bloodbath of a boxing match in the original “I’m Sorry” painting (or maybe not) so who knows? The truth probably lies somewhere in-between. But you know what? This is Wibbley World, and in Wibbley World, a heartfelt apology goes a long way. I’m sure these two will be great friends again in no time.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
ACEO Prints!
Here's a pic of some of them, please excuse the poor photography, it's late & I had to use the flash:

I'm also working on some other projects including those little scrabble tile charms and am getting back into colored pencil. Hopefully I'll have something to post soon!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Greyness and Bones
And here's Mr. Bones (Terrace R. Bones) our first Boston Terrier who was a huge inspiration for the Wibbles. He still checks in with us every now & then from beyond.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Lunchbox, Lost in the Dark
Lost in the Dark
Poor Lunchbox, he just can’t ever seem to get it right. Once again our hero finds himself (you guessed it) LOST, this time in the dark.
“But Lunchbox has a flashlight!” you say. Well that would help, IF he understood how to use it.
Yes it’s dark and spooky. Yes, bats could come swooping down at any second and get caught in his hair. Yes, he might walk head-on into a giant spider nest. But Lunchbox doesn’t mind - because at the end of the day, when you’ve got your lunchpail and your diaper, what more do you really need?
This is another installment in my "Lunchbox Gets Lost" series, featuring a hopelessly naive diaper-wearin, lunchpail-totin chipmunk named Lunchbox.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
You know, it's bad enough when you have just one tail that won't shut up - imagine having three! Now imagine that those three tails are really bossy, always telling you where to go, what to do, who not to talk to, etc.! NOW imagine that those three tails are really stupid on top of everything else - I don't think I'd be too happy with that situation, would you?
Tailey was painted for the June Nibblefest contest, our theme is "Things With Tails."
Monday, June 8, 2009
Mr. FluffySpock
I feel like I've been talking about Mr. FluffySpock forever. Well he's finally here, the much-anticipated second installment in my Wibble Trek series.
"Mr. FluffySpock"
"The Trouble with Eyeballs"
That Mr. FluffySpock! Always futzing about with his tricorder, detecting alien life forms and such. In this pivotal scene, Mr. FluffySpock is about to make contact with an eyePod from the planet Oculus 5 (with results that are sure to send Pankirk and the crew reeling!!) I'm not going to give away the rest of the plot, but I tell you it's a good one!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Scary Toys
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Secret Life of Toys, the Serial Killer Edition
"M U R D E R !"
Before you get all panicky, take a deep breath and remember the #1 rule in Wibbley World - "Nothing bad ever happens," so we should be safe. Hey, I just noticed that looks just like my house he's leaving - I don't think I like that!
I painted this ACEO for the May Nibblefest contest, "The Secret Life of Toys." This is a portrait (from life, something I don't do a lot!) of an actual marionette I have along with his demented brown bear associate, and I swear I can hear them saying "mmmuuurrrdddeeerrr" when they think I'm not paying attention. These are some seriously disturbing looking "toys" (I'm not sure when they were made, the heads are composition though so they're pretty old), maybe they were designed to keep the naughty children in check.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Secret Life of Toys

"I thought that kid would NEVER go to sleep! And where the heck is Andy, he was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago?!!"
Dolls these days!! I guess it's true that you just can't get good help anymore. On the other hand, at least she's not stealing the jewelry or breaking the fine china.
This is my latest Nibblefest entry, our theme this month is "The Secret Life of Toys." All entries start at just 99¢, no reserve!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Illustration Friday - Parade
Friday, May 1, 2009
Mr. Sainesbury
Mr. Sainesbury
American Gentleman
Mr. Sainesbury is looking quite proper and dignified in his bowler hat, bow tie and pipe, it's easy to see why the nickname for the Boston Terrier is the "American Gentleman". Of course whoever came up with that nickname obviously never met Mr. Wiggles, the alter-ego of Mr. Sainesbury. In fact, if Sainesbury had gone to medical school, I'd venture to say that these two were the Jekyll and Hyde of Dogdom. In case you've forgotten Mr. Wiggles, here's a recent pic:
Mr. Wiggles*
Unspiration for this painting
Don't get me wrong, we love Mr. Wiggles dearly, he's just not particularly dignified.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wibble Trek
I had some computer problems last week (lost my hard drive!!) which put me behind on updates (well even more behind than usual!). Anyway, here's my latest, I know some of you've seen it already, but here it is anyway:
Captain Pankirk
"The Infinite Vulcan"
Beam me up, Buttons!!
This is a painting of Captain Pankirk (played by Pancakes) in one of my favorite Star Trek, the Animated Series' stories, "The Infinite Vulcan" (adapted by Alan Dean Foster from a script by Walter Koenig). In case your memory is a little rusty, on a routine mission to Phylos, Spock is mysteriously kidnapped - he faces a dubious future! Now I know you're probably saying, "Wait a second platypus, surely you know there weren't any tribbles in that story!" Well, thats just me taking a little artistic license - tribbles are fun to paint!
This is the first in my "Cat Trek" series - key scenes from memorable episodes portrayed by cats!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Lots of new Wibbleys!
All of these ACEO's + the ones I haven't posted yet have been assigned planets. I'll explain that in another post. Anyway this one's Pluto (and yes I still consider Pluto to be a planet).
This is an 8.5" x 11" drawing by my daughter Violet. This is Violet's first Nibblefest contest, I'm so proud of her!
Please click on the images to see the auctions!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Mr. Fluffypants

I also recently opened an ETSY store where I'm selling prints & some originals. I haven't listed too much yet, but I hope to over the next few weeks. Please click on the banner to go to the store, and if there's anything in particular you'd like to see listed, please let me know!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Last & First - Won Ton and Lunchbox!

(click on Lunchbox to see the auction)