Sunday, December 28, 2008
Happy Birthday, Cathy!
That's Lola on the left, and of course Uncle Wiggles is on the right, drooling over the birthday cupcake!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
December Nibblefest - Chickens!
This painting is an homage to Rene Magritte, one of my favorite artists!
Just click on Peepy to go to the auction, which starts at only 99¢!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Illustration Friday - Similar
What do you think would happen when the Boston Terrier meets the Anti-Boston Terrier? Would it be like what happens when matter meets anti-matter? Or would it be like that Star Trek where those two guys with the black & white faces just want to murder eachother? I don't think that's it since these two Bostys seem to be getting along just fine, but sometimes you don't know until you see blood.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Our Little Grandpuppy
Monday, November 24, 2008
Illustration Friday - Opinion
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Illustration Friday AND Nibblefest!
Illustration Friday's topic is "Pretend", and Nibblefest's is "Christmas Trees," so the obvious solution was to paint a squid pretending to be a Christmas Tree. I'm just worried now that more people will have done the same thing. Oh well.
Anyway, here's my entry:

(Click painting to see the auction)
Remember, all Nibblefest auctions start at just 99¢, no reserve! This one ends on Thanksgiving, so if you're thinking of bidding, please do so early or use a sniping software such as esnipe (which I swear by, btw. I'd do a commercial for them!)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Illustration Friday - Wise
Oil on Canvas
You all know how owls are supposed to be wise, right? They're pretty much the poster birds for wisdom, and none are so wise as Jowly, the quintessential wise owl (who also happens to be my personal advisor).
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
More Vintage Inky Wibbles!
Anyway here they are, they're all pretty small (3"x4") and a little beaten-up. Unfortunately I don't have clever titles or stories to go with them, but oh well:

I think the original plan was to do paintings of these, maybe I could do something along those lines (eventually).
Friday, October 31, 2008
21 Years!
Monday, October 27, 2008

Ever wonder about the origins of Totem Poles - who started them and such? Contrary to popular belief, it wasn’t the Native Americans - it was the Martians, and here’s your proof! Glax is really proud of her creation, but can you blame her? Especially when you consider what a trend it started?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Big Spooky
I'm pretty late in posting this - I actually have a bunch of stuff to post but wanted to do this one first since the auction ends tomorrow (the 27th). Been very busy lately!!
This painting is my September Nibblefest entry, our theme is "Smiling Black Cats". It's a little bit different for me in that it's in acrylic (will post more about that in a bit).
Anyway, here's Big Spooky (who really isn't so big, he's an ACEO)!

Click on Big Spooky to go to the auction!
Don't forget to search eBay for NFAC to see more great entries!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Mint Chip Disaster!
Click on Scottsey to go to the auction!
The Mint Chip Disaster:
A Tragedy of Cataclysmic Proportions
Scottsey and the Squirrelipede
Some people think a dog's life is nothing but fun & games - I think Scottsey here would disagree. Just imagine that you're about to take a bite of your delicious chocolate chip mint ice cream cone when it falls to the ground -
Then imagine that a squirrelipede comes swooping in out of nowhere and starts licking it! Ugh, don’t you just hate when that happens?!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Goode and Eebil
Who says Angels and Debils always have to be at odds with each other? I happen to know that’s just an act they put on, they’re actually quite close and enjoy each other’s company when no one’s watching (no one that is, except the angel kittens, Cerberus, and me of course)! They’ll probably be pretty mad when they realize I’m plastering this picture all over the internet, but oh well.
What I’d really like to know though, is what exactly is this painting saying about dogs and cats?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Violet's Creatures
Anyway, my daughter Violet spent a good part of today making ridiculously cute little creatures she calls "Ghosties" (I generously allowed her to raid my secret stash of eyeballs). When she was done we had a little photo shoot:
A close up:
The rejects (didn't get to be in the show, I'm not sure why but maybe they have trouble controlling themselves):
Surrounded by PINECONES - Look out!!!:
And finally, the artist and her creations:
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Sparky's Dream

You know how sometimes when you’re sitting on a bench, pretending to read your homework assignment and you just can’t stay awake? Then you sort of doze off, but you’re not really sure anymore if you’re awake or asleep, and all of a sudden squids start barging out of the mist in droves? Don’t you hate when that happens?
Please search NFAC on eBay (starting the 20th of each month) to see all of the other Nibblefest entries!Friday, June 6, 2008
Illustration Friday - Forgotten

"The Secret Garden"
I have a little garden
I keep it on a shelf
My garden is a secret
For no one but myself
Why do there always have to be hurt feelings? Why can’t anything just be happy and good, and stay that way? Little Red used to like to pretend he was one of his plant friends, but sadly was left behind on the shelf. It sucks to be forgotten, doesn’t it.
Poor Little Red.
I'm going to try to create another piece for this theme too, if I have the time. The problem is that everything I can think of is really sad, and, well, sad is just so sad!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Illustration Friday - Baby
My piece shows the first meeting of Sparky and the squid (since I know you've all been wondering how it all started). Look, they've known each other since they were in diapers!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Doodles (not the noodley kind)
Anyway, here's one of my drawings:
If nothing else I think it's kind of interesting to see how much my style has evolved over the years. Speaking of which, I finally found photos of some paintings I did ~20-23 years ago! The paintings themselves are still lost somewhere in my house, and when I find them again I want to get decent scans. There are a couple that didn't make it to the photo session so I'd especially love to get pix of those. Anyway, I was pretty depressed back in those days & my paintings were a lot darker. Now I can finally update the "Oldeys" section of my website! Yay!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Chirpy II - an experiment
I had a little bit more success this time. I may never be a "watercolor artist" but maybe won't wait another year before trying them again!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hamstey is a Winner

This is a little colored pencil ACEO (Artist Trading Card) I had originally created for the February Nibblefest art contest (Rodents), but I changed my mind at the last minute. It was a tough call - on the one hand you have hamsters, on the other, capybaras - ultimately the capybaras triumphed.
Wow, I hope that' not why Hamstey is crying.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Lunchbox, Lost in the Jungle
Lunchbox is a true innocent, stumbling through life, oblivious to lurking dangers and the fact that his little world could come crashing down at any given second. But it’s ok - Lunchbox just keeps plugging along, because at the end of the day, when you’ve got your lunch pail and your diaper, what more do you really need?
I like to think there’s a little bit of Lunchbox in all of us.